Senior School Interviews and Exams

Posted: 11th December 2020

Year 6 girls have been attending interviews and exams online in the past few weeks, many of which Stormont School hosted in their IT suite invigilated by members of staff.  The girls have coped really well and rose to the challenge.  We all know that, as an adult, these can be daunting but they took it all in their stride.  Some travelled to their chosen schools for their interviews and exams or did them from home online.  All in all a very different experience for these Year 6 girls of 2020.   Of course, the journey started some time ago in Year 4 with conversations about senior schools and continued through into Year 5.  We await the results and hope that 2021 will be different so that they can end their time with us on a high.  We are confident that will be the case.

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Stormont School

The Causeway,
Potters Bar,
01707 654037