Stormont School is a registered charity. The School is aware of its obligations under the Charities Act 2006 and seeks to adhere to the public benefit principles identified by the Charity Commission. This policy is reviewed every two years, or as necessary, to take into consideration the latest guidance from the Charity Commission and any other factors relevant to this policy.
Stormont School is a small school and does not benefit from the receipt of any endowment funds. The School therefore relies on the fees from parents to meet all its operating costs. The Board of Governors of Stormont School recognises that independent school fees are at levels that, despite the best endeavours of their parents, exclude children from families on low incomes in the local community. The Board of Governors is committed to broadening access to the School by offering, to eligible parents, means-tested financial support known as bursaries, towards the payment of school fees. However, due to the limited financial resources of the School, not all applications may be successful. The amount available for allocation will vary from year to year and consequently the School retains an absolute discretion as to the number of awards, if any, available each year. Bursaries can only be applied for if joining the school in the Reception class.
A copy of the Bursary Policy is available from Admissions on request, contact in the first instance. Once the Bursary Policy is considered by prospective parents from Reception and wish to go ahead with a bursary application, a Registration Form should be completed and clearly noted on it that Bursary Funding is requested. A £100 registration fee should be paid online which will be refunded if bursary funding is not successful unless you wish to continue with an application without funding.