ICT lessons at Stormont closely follow the National Curriculum objectives. Lessons are taught both on a computer but also on tablets.  ICT is taught as a discrete subject but it is also embedded across the curriculum.

Girls start using the computers in the ICT Suite in Reception where they are taught basic mouse skills, learn how to open up programmes. These skills are developed through Pre-Prep and the girls start coding, using spreadsheets and making music using technology.

In Prep, these skills are developed further with additional skills being introduced such as emailing, blogging, touch typing and branching databases. Coding is a large part of our curriculum, with the girls learning to use different coding languages to create their own programs. Learning at Stormont enables girls to use technology purposefully and take part in a number of projects that prepare them for the ways in which technology is used in the modern world.

Classes are taught in small groups to enable the teacher to monitor and support individuals. Assessment in this area is continuous and ongoing and pupil’s individual progress is monitored and tracked.

I would like to be remembered as someone who was not afraid to do what she wanted to do, and as someone who took risks along the way in order to achieve her goals.
Sally Ride — Physicist, NASA Communicator and Astronaut

E-Safety is key in the modern world and the girls have lessons in preparing them to be safe online. We also promote Safer Internet day where the school has invited visitors to speak to the girls, teachers and held parent workshops.

Computing isn’t just in the computer suite, tablets are used to support and develop learning both in and outside of the classroom in all subjects.   We believe that all of our girls should have a good understanding of the digital world that surrounds them after all we are preparing many of our students for jobs that don’t yet exist using technology that hasn’t been invented.  We are committed to investing in Computing and have replenished our stock with new android tablets and recruited a specialist teacher to lead Computing and continue to develop the subject at Stormont.

How to find
Stormont School

The Causeway,
Potters Bar,
01707 654037

Stormont School

Spring Open Mornings

We are delighted to invite you to our Jungle Safari Family Open Morning on Saturday 1st March 9.00am – 10.30am and our Working Open Morning on Thursday 20th March 9.00am – 11.00am.

To confirm your attendance please email admissions@stormontschool.org or click here.