Red Nose Day

Posted: 19th March 2021

Lots of jokes have been shared today as part of Share a Smile for Comic Relief.  “What do you call a pig that knows karate?  Pork chop!”

We have seen lots of red noses on display and hair bands that have noses that wobble.  Our wonderful catering staff produced red nose day cakes for all to enjoy.  The girls brought in £1 to buy a cake to donate to Comic Relief, great excitement when the cakes appeared this afternoon.

We’ve had house cross country and house netball this week, points are being counted and the winning House will be announced at the end of term (my hopes are on St Andrew).   With so much to fit in before the end of term, its hard to imagine that this is only our second week back.

This term our Year 4 girls have been reading  ‘The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane’ by Kate DiCamillo.  A good read apparently with very enthusiastic reviews.  To celebrate the girls dressed up as some of the characters.

A definite fun Friday for Stormont.

World Book Day

Posted: 8th March 2021

World Book Day isn’t really about one day, Stormont has been working on different aspects all week.    Simon Mole, an accomplished poet led workshops with the girls at Stormont School remotely.  Following on from that Lochinver House School and Stormont collaborated on a poetry competition.  The Head of Stormont, Miss Louise Martin, judged poems written by the Lochinver House boys and the poems that our girls had written were judged by their Head of English, Mr Neil Latchford.  It was a perfect joining of the brother and sister schools close in proximity in Potters Bar, Hertfordshire.

The theme of the competition was ‘Life in Lockdown’, why wouldn’t it be, when it is so much on our minds?    So many entered and the standard of course was excellent. Being able to express ones self about something that affects us is good for the soul.   Not only that, they put their knowledge and talent to good use.

World Book Day was celebrated across the world on Thursday, 4th March.  Lovely costumes and inspiring characters came to life off the pages of books that Stormont girls love to read.

Lochinver Winners were Nick C in the Year 7-8 category, Alexis M in the Year 3-6 category and Nathanial in Pre-Prep.

Stormont Winners were Divisha B – Reception, Athena A – Year 1, Lola B-A – Year 2, Chiara C-C – Year 3, Sophia M-P – Year 4, Reva T – Year 5 and last but not least, Ruby L – Y6.

Lovely work everyone, well done!


A Visit by Simon Mole

Posted: 2nd March 2021

Pupils at Stormont School were excited to meet Simon Mole virtually today for a poetry workshop in the lead up to World Book Day, set up by Mrs Rose, Head of English.   Simon is a critically acclaimed poet who has videos on YouTube on how to write a poem in 5 minutes, take a look for yourself.   He has inspired the girls and the teachers with tips on how to create their contribution to the lesson following which a competition is to be judged by the Head, Miss Martin.

Every single pupil wrote a poem today.  Year 3 and 4 wrote about a kite of their own and Year 5 and 6 wrote about spells, time travel and flying.  We look forward to reading them all.  Well done everyone.

Winners will be announced next week.

Have You Heard?

Posted: 23rd February 2021

Lockdown is coming to an End!  The Government’s road map last night gave us some light at the end of the tunnel.  Tentative steps true but having the pupils back on the 8th March will be welcomed by all.   A school is not a school without the children.  The squeels, the laughter, the smiley faces (and that’s just the staff!) will be like a breath of fresh air.  Now the hard work begins in getting everything in place for their return.  Exciting and daunting all rolled into one.

Whilst the news has been welcome, on reflection these times have taught us so much about how adults and children can adapt, how reslient we can be and inventive.  Lessons have been delivered through screens and on the whole it has been successful, of course there have been setbacks and frustrations but overall Stormont has risen to the challenge and delivered on all fronts.   Let’s look forward to the future with hope and determination to make the remainder of the school year one to celebrate.

Lockdown in February

Posted: 2nd February 2021

As we start another week of lockdown and the start of February our live teaching continues for all the girls across the school.  It is still a full day for everyone.  There are opportunities to have a chat with the Head, Miss Martin, Miss Sobell, the Deputy Head or Mrs Curley, Head of Pre-Prep to share their thoughts and ideas if the girls wish.  P.E., music and art still feature heavily on the timetable with no reduction and have from the very beginning of on line learning.

The girls are producing some amazing work and have been resilient in their learning.    Our teaching staff are bringing learning to life and inspiring them to adapt.  Although it is a challenging time for everyone, we should also look at the skills we are all gaining and celebrate how humans can change the way they live and learn.  We know this extraordinary time will come to an end, we have to maintain that thought.  Vaccines are proving effective, the NHS is being protected, infection rates are starting to fall.  There is still much to be thankful for #stayhomestaysafe

Senior School Interviews

Posted: 27th January 2021

Our current Year 6 girls have been preparing for some time now for senior school entrance exams and interviews at top independent schools.  In Year 5, the Head and teaching staff worked closely with the families to guide them through the senior school process.  Before COVID-19 they would all be researching and listing the schools they would like their daughter to move on to.  An evening of presentations at school and discussions with specialist subject teachers and form tutors would have taken place and individual meetings with the Head if requested.

The pandemic has certainly changed all our lives and so this year the process has been very different for the current Year 6 girls.  Nonetheless it has still been informative and thorough.  Zoom calls with parents last year explained the process with a question and answer opportunity, power points shared and reference forms collated so that we as a school had a clear view of parents’ intentions.  Scholarship applications are also a big part of this process which sees many of our past pupils attaining impressive results.

Stormont School responded with the request by independent schools to host and invigilate exams to assist with social distancing.   The Year 6 girls have reached the last leg of the interview process.  We are super proud of their dedication and how they have adapted to a very alien situation.  We wish them luck of course and look forward to receiving the all important results.  Well done everyone.

Senior School Interviews and Exams

Posted: 11th December 2020

Year 6 girls have been attending interviews and exams online in the past few weeks, many of which Stormont School hosted in their IT suite invigilated by members of staff.  The girls have coped really well and rose to the challenge.  We all know that, as an adult, these can be daunting but they took it all in their stride.  Some travelled to their chosen schools for their interviews and exams or did them from home online.  All in all a very different experience for these Year 6 girls of 2020.   Of course, the journey started some time ago in Year 4 with conversations about senior schools and continued through into Year 5.  We await the results and hope that 2021 will be different so that they can end their time with us on a high.  We are confident that will be the case.

Reception Singing in French

Posted: 12th November 2020

Our new Reception class have took to their French lessons with enthusiasm.  A happy, lively lesson with Madame Allin.  In only a short time you have been amazing and settled into school life at Stormont.  Can’t wait for our on line concert!

Pumpkin Competition for Half-Term

Posted: 27th October 2020

As we start half-term, the Year 6 House Captains have invited all pupils to decorate or carve a pumpkin for a competition at Stormont School. It is £1 to enter and we are all excited to see your entries, its not compulsory but hope you enter into the spirit of it and don’t forget to ask your parents if you need help with the carving.   All monies raised will be going to the Potters Bar Food Bank.

Open For Tours

Posted: 28th September 2020

We are open for tours by appointment only.  Please contact to make arrangements to visit.  We are open Monday to Friday in term-time only.    We are taking registrations and would love for you to get in touch.  We look forward to meeting you. 

How to find
Stormont School

The Causeway,
Potters Bar,
01707 654037